Zuru 5 Surprise Mini Brands – Gold Rush Limited Edition Review!
Happy Saturday, toyNerds! Today we will be reviewing the latest fad in the Zuru world: Mini Brands Collection Gold Rush!
Supposedly this release is a Limited Edition release and it is exclusive to Target.
We managed to get 2 balls and we opened them up just for you! Take a look.

First thing we noticed was how shiny everything was! The gold painting on these seems to be a great quality too. It doesn’t feel like those cheap paints that could chip anytime.

We just love how detailed each mini is, down to the texts!

We tried to read the labels and we were able to! Lol. Pretty amazing.
Some of the minis even have prints on front, back, and the sides, like this Laughing Cow.
What do you guys think? Did you get yours yet?