Mega Construx Pokemon Series 14 Box Distribution (Character Ratio)
Mega Construx Pokemon Series 14 are now out in the wild and available for purchase. We managed to find 2 full boxes today. One full box contains 12 Pokeballs.
We confirmed that this character ratio (box distribution) below is accurate:
- GYG79 Morpeko (Full Belly Mode) – 3
- GYG80 Wooloo Moumouton – 1
- GYG81 Yamper Voltoutou – 3
- GYG82 Goldeen Poissirene -1
- GYG83 Litwick Funecire – 2
- GYG84 Sneasel Farfuret -2

As you can see, there are 2 Pokemons (Wooloo Moumouton and Goldeen Poissirene) that are considered Ultra-Rare in this series, because there is only 1 of them in a full box of 12.
What do you guys think? Which ones are you excited about?