Mega Construx Halo Infinite Series 4 Blind Bags Codes and Review!
Howdy, toyNerds! There is a new blind bag series in town! That’s right, we got our hands on the latest series from Mega Construx Halo Infinite Blind Bags: Series 4!
Let’s take a look!
The series comes with 6 figures: 3 Common, 2 Rare, 1 Ultra Rare.
What’s nice (or not nice, depending on where you stand on this…haha) about this series is that each figure now comes pre-assembled in the blind bag! For this series, the only one that’s not pre-assembled is the Sentinel.

Here are the characters and the codes for this series:
1. UNSC Marine (Common) – 129224TC

2. Spartan Recon (Common) – 131225TC

3. Sentinel (Common) – 130226TC
Though this figure is considered common, it is probably going to be very popular among collectors. Sentinel has 2 front arms and 2 rear arms. Each arm also has different points of articulations, which makes this figure pretty poseable.

4. Grunt Imperial (Rare) – 130227TC

5. Spartan Anubis Glow in the Dark (Rare) – 132228TC
This is probably the coolest figure from this series. His armor glows in the dark and it is awesome!

6. AC Jackal Sniper (Ultra Rare) – 132229TC
This figure is also unique. The whole body is transparent except for the 3 eyes. His legs also have an extra articulation, making it able to bend more.

Here is a group shot of this series:

We hope this Mega Construx Halo Infinite Series 4 Blind Bags Review has been a great information for you guys!
Just to recap, here are the Mega Construx Halo Infinite Series 4 Blind Bags Codes:
- UNSC Marine (Common) – 129224TC
- Spartan Recon (Common) – 131225TC
- Sentinel (Common) – 130226TC
- Grunt Imperial (Rare) – 130227TC
- Spartan Anubis (Rare) – 132228TC
- AC Jackal Sniper (Ultra Rare) – 132229TC
Hi ! Cool review and nice pics for this Series ! An overall strong series , with the Annubis Spartan , and the AC Jackal , my favorites . The Sentinel, and awesome marine are close seconds (lol) , and geez , the Recon is very cool and I really dig the Grunt headgear…which I don’t think we’ve seen before from MEGA . A tough series to list sequentially by faves , with the “least” visually impressive , the Marine , being Merely Magnificent , with a desert camo looking undersuit . Do you know : 1. Is this a female fig ? (can’t really see waist enough to tell) Also , Is helmet removable ? Thanks for info !
1. I don’t like that there are only 6 figs in both new series . I really don’t.
What happened to 8 figs + varying #s of Secret Rares ? Those , sadly , ended with Foxtrot . And the standard 8 fig set ended with Infinite Series 3 .
2. I DON’T like that they are pre-assembled . For me , that was part of the fun !
3. Harder and harder to find in person , until about 95% will be online purchases moving forward .
A REAL BUMMER ! For me , “the Hunt” was another part of the fun , now gone . When I started collecting , like 7 years ago , I could find the stuff at ToysRUs(out of biz) , Wal-Mart (discontinued at 3 of 4 nearby stores , with the one carrying the same 3 sets since X-mas , no blind bags) , and now , Dollar General , (“weep” , literally) has discontinued….NOT MEGA , mind you , they now have “Hot Wheels” cars + trucks and Pokémon crap by MEGA , but no more HALO and COD . “WOMP-WOMP” ! THIS was my source for blind bags and I loved going to the many DGs in my , and surrounding , towns to hunt for new and old blind bags. That leaves only TARGET still carrying a very limited variety and , I believe , no blind bags . Kinda pathetic, as MEGAs always lame distribution has gotten steadily worse , MUCH WORSE ! , rather than better since I started collecting , even as the quality and desirability has gone up . A lot of this has not been MEGA’s fault , such as Toys R US. I don’t know what Wal-Mart’s deal is ? They now have 1 WHOLE AISLE devoted to (yawn) Lego sets , replete with their bizarre little yellow “figures” with barely any articulation or realism , but Hey , everyone’s heard of Lego, right ? , Guess Wal-Mart is going ALL-IN on Lego , other sets be damned .
Sorry , lol , my comment is turning into a long , windy , rant !
Oh , Brother ! Lol !
Seriously, tho , I imagine you may have run into similar collecting woes ? Anyway, enjoyed your review ! Have you seen , or gotten , any of those latest Halo Hero’s ? Some pretty cool stuff !
Regards , Jeff
Hi Jeff! Thank you for the comment! I am glad to have found a fellow MEGA collector out in the wild 🙂
Yes you are absolutely correct. MEGA stuff are getting harder and harder to find nowadays. I have not seen any of the Halo Heroes series at all! The last series I saw (and still available online) was Halo Heroes Series 15. Can you believe that? It is very disappointing!
Also, if you follow Demarcation Media on YouTube, they did a video on fake MEGA Halo Heroes, like Series 17 and Series 18. So be careful out there!
Let’s hope that MEGA will fix their distribution problem soon!