New Toys December 2022
With Christmas approaching fast, we hope you guys are ready with gifts and surprises for your family. As we always tell our children, Christmas is not just about gifts, but it is about celebrating the birth of Jesus the Savior and being together with family and friends.
Gifts and toys are temporary, and they come and go every year. But people and relationships last longer 😊.
For the sake of not turning this article into a self-help/motivational read, let’s move on to talk about our favorite subject: TOYS! 😁
There is a new Zuru 5 Surprise that came out recently: Zuru 5 Surprise Disney Store Edition Series 2!

The price is the same as Series 1: $8.49.
We will be doing a review of it soon, so please stay tuned!
Another cool toys that we spotted were Avatar action figures by McFarlane toys. We saw Neytiri, Jake Sully and Coloner Miles Quaritch.

From the Masters of the Universe (MOTU) line, She-Ra made her debut.

And last but not least, there is a new series for Magic Mixies Mixlings! They introduced a new family of species with the new characters.

That’s it for now. We hope you guys have a great weekend!