Magic Mixies Mixlings Powers Unleashed Series Collector’s Guide/Checklist
Happy Friday, toyNerds!
Magic Mixies Mixlings has a new series that came out recently: Magic Mixies Mixlings Powers Unleashed Series!
Similar to the previous series, this series also has 40+ characters to collect. Let’s take a look!

There are 5 different classes with this series: Charmling, Castling, Spell Gazer, Flier, and Spellster.
Each class/family has their own unique abilities, which is pretty cool!
There are 4 different categories of rarity: Common, Rare, Ultra Rare, and Limited Edition.

The ultimate rarest character from this series is the Limited Edition Zindle, Lucky Rainbow Light! It is also only available in Collector’s Cauldron only…. so let the hunting begin! Haha.
We hope you guys are able to find some of the cute and rare ones out there!
Thanks for reading!