Zuru 5 Surprise Mini Brands Series 5 Review
Happy almost 4th of July, toyNerds! Let’s look at the brand new release of Zuru 5 Surprise Mini Brands Series 5!

Check out how awesome the Ultra Rare Frozen Moment Minis looks on the packaging! This series is a little bit different than previous series when it comes to the inner packaging of the ball.

Instead of the usual orang peel setup, the ball now is different. It just has 2 parts and all the minis are also wrapped in paper bags (instead of plastic).
It is definitely good to see this change, as we were not a big fan of how much plastic they use to make their products. Not only that, on the packaging, they also mention that the materials they use are recycled plastic. Nice job, Zuru!
Here are the minis that we got. Unfortunately, we did not get any of the rares minis or the ultra rare minis.

Have you guys been able to find them in the wild yet?
Happy Hunting!